Would you like to know more about how your company is positioned in the field of IT security (Information Security Management System)? What steps need to be taken to set up an information security management system?
Information security is supposed to protect all kinds of information to a sufficient degree against loss, manipulation and unauthorised access by third parties. The implementation is to be ensured by a suitable information security management system (ISMS) with appropriate technical and organisational measures and control processes according to comprehensive Plan-Do-Check-Act processes.
In our webinar, we explain the necessary steps when setting up your ISMS!
Definition of the procedure, GAP analysis, scoping document and project planning - RISK ANALYSIS
Risk analysis in 2 steps, result control, measures plan - MEASURES AND GUIDELINES
Preparation of the Statement of Applicability (control processes), measures, preparation of guidelines, model for corporate processes - TRAINING MEASURES
Training and awareness-raising plan, staff training courses - INTERNAL AUDIT
Internal audit and management review
14th of October 2021, 1 pm, duration approx. 30-40 minutes
Who is the webinar addressing?
- Companies with high security requirements, e.g. eHealth, DiGA, finance, KRITIS
- Managing directors, IT managers, compliance officers
- IT security officers and data protection officers
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer ePrivacy GmbH, founder and managing director
Link for your registration:
ePrivacy supports you in setting up your own ISMS!
If you have any questions on this topic, please feel free to contact us. We will help you at any time.
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