German Whistleblowing Protection Act successfully implemented for several clients

Recently, we highlighted the implementation of the German Whistleblowing Protection Act, known as “HinSchG”, which came into force on 1 July 2023. According to this act, whistleblowers are better protected who disclose or report information on violations.
The law mandates the establishment of an internal reporting channel and the appointment of an ombudsperson for companies and organizations in the public and private sector if they employ more than 50 employees. For companies with 50 to 249 employees, a transition period was previously granted until 17 December 2023, which has now expired.
ePrivacy is offering the service of an internal reporting channel. As part of our activities, we set up the internal reporting channels and the necessary software, within the company. We are collaborating with the whistleblower system “Whistly” ( and have successfully and pragmatically implemented the Whistleblowing Protection Act for several clients.
Do you employ more than 50 employees and seek coverage by external experts? We are ready to promptly prepare an offer for you. The costs for our advice and for the software license are reasonable.