Successful certification of 10 companies with the new ePrivacyseal Global

In our March newsletter, we reported on our new data protection seal “ePrivacyseal Global”, which is specifically designed for internationally operating companies.

The ePrivacyseal Global is a new certification program that helps companies demonstrate their commitment to protecting personal data, particularly for those companies that currently do not have an EU subsidiary.

The certification provides transparency that data protection is taken seriously according to the GDPR standard, ensuring that business processes guarantee protection and security in the processing of personal data.

Our data protection lawyers and data security experts have developed EPS Global specifically for digital products. With the help of the ePrivacyseal Global, these products and technologies can also be prepared for market entry in the EU.

Difference from the state-accredited data protection seal:
State-accredited seals can only be applied for specific data processing processes. Our customers, for example, in the online industry often do not have these processing processes due to the provision of their technology. Thus, the ePrivacyseal Global is a highly suitable alternative. It offers companies from all industries an effective certification opportunity through a third-party independent body.

In the meantime, 10 companies have already received the ePrivacyseal Global. Further information can be found on our website. Another 5 companies are currently undergoing the certification process. The launch of the new ePrivacyseal Global has been a great success, and the demand is rising.

If certification with the ePrivacyseal Global is also interesting for your company or products, please feel free to contact us